The Science of Sound is a widely recognized textbook in the field. This book provides an excellent introduction to acoustics for students without a strong background in college physics or mathematics. Emphasis is placed on understanding the phenomena of sound, and a wide variety of topics are discussed.In the Third Edition, Richard Moore and Paul Wheeler join Tom Rossing in updating The Science of Sound to include a wide range of important technological developments in the field of acoustics. New exercises and review questions have been added to the end of each chapter to help students study the material. The Science of Sound is a widely recognized textbook in the field. This book provides an excellent introduction to acoustics for students without a strong background in college physics or mathematics. Emphasis is placed on understanding the phenomena of sound, and a wide variety of topics are discussed.In the Third Edition, Richard Moore and Paul Wheeler join Tom Rossing in updating The Science of Sound to include a wide range of important technological developments in the field of acoustics. New exercises and review questions have been added to the end of each chapter to help students study the material. VIBRATIONS, WAVES, AND SOUNDS1.
What is Sound?2. Vibrating Systems3. PERCEPTION AND MEASUREMENT OF SOUND5. Sound Pressure, Power, and Loudness7. Pitch and Timbre8. Combination Tones and Harmony9.
Musical Scales and TemperamentIII. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS10. String Instruments11. Brass Instruments12.
Woodwind Instruments13. Percussion Instruments14. Keyboard InstrumentsIV. THE HUMAN VOICE15. Speech Production16. Speech Recognition, Analysis, and Synthesis17.
Electronic Circuits19. Microphones, Amplifiers, and Tuners21. Digital Circuits and Techniques22. Sound RecordingVI. ROOM ACOUSTICS23. Auditorium Acoustics24. Electronic Reinforcement of Sound25.
Small Rooms, Home Listening Rooms and Recording StudiosVII. ELECTRONIC AND COMPUTER MUSIC26. Music Technology and its Origins27.
Analog Electronic Music28. Digital Audio and Processing29. Computer Music and Virtual AcousticsVIII. ENVIRONMENTAL SOUND30. Noise in the Environment31.
Effects of Noise on People32. Control of Noise.
Springer Handbook of Acoustics Thomas Rossing (editor) on. FREE.
shipping on qualifying offers. Springer Handbook of Acoustics. Thomas Rossing. Springer Science & Business Media, Jun 21, – Science – pages. Booktopia has Springer Handbook of Acoustics, Springer Handbook by Thomas D. Buy a discounted Hardcover of Springer Handbook of Acoustics.Author:Shaktit MokCountry:IraqLanguage:English (Spanish)Genre:TravelPublished (Last):15 June 2015Pages:78PDF File Size:14.75 MbePub File Size:20.20 MbISBN:116-7-33454-417-9Downloads:74812Price:Free.Free Regsitration RequiredUploader:Praise for the first edition: Each chapter is richly illustrated with figures and tables.
Several chapters provide good mathematical depth, making the handbook useful as a research and technical resource. Overall, a very useful educational and research resource. The latest research and applications are incorporated throughout, e.Popular passages Page 1 – If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? This new edition of the Handbook features over 11 revised and expanded chapters, new illustrations, and 2 new chapters covering microphone arrays and acoustic emission.Description Acoustics, the science of sound, has developed into a broad interdisciplinary field encompassing the academic disciplines of physics, engineering, psychology, speech, audiology, music, architecture, physiology, neuroscience and others.With a Foreword by Manfred R. Review quote From the reviews: Includes over 80 comprehensive tables.
The Springer Handbook of Acoustics is an unparalleled modern handbook reflecting this richly interdisciplinary rosaing edited by one of the acknowledged masters in the field, Thomas Rossing. Springer Handbook of Acoustics: F. Dunn:His areas of research have included musical acoustics, psychoacoustics, speech and singing, vibration analysis, magnetic levitation, surface effects in fusion reactors, spin waves in metals, and hadbook education. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience.
Hubisz, The Physics Teacher, Vol. This handbook reviews the most important areas of acoustics, with emphasis on current research. Springer Handbook of Acoustics – Google BooksThe Handbook of Acoustics is useful as a source book for anyone who needs or wants to become familiar with the jargon and issues related to a specific subfield of acoustics Table of contents Foreword by Manfred R.The Springer Handbook of Acoustics is also in his 2nd edition an unparalleled modern handbook reflecting this richly interdisciplinary nature edited by one of the acknowledged masters rossingg the field, Thomas Rossing. Selected pages Title Page. The handbook nicely covers both basics and advances in several areas of acoustics.
We use cookies to give you the best possible experience.Since he has been a professor of physics at Northern Illinois University. Description This is an unparalleled modern handbook reflecting the richly interdisciplinary nature of acoustics edited by an acknowledged master in the field. Hanndbook Best Books of The Springer Handbook of Acoustics reviews the most important areas of acoustics, with emphasis on current research.Parts and chapters with summaries, detailed index and fully searchable CD-ROM guarantee quick access to data and links to other sources.
The authors of the various chapters are all experts in their fields.The latest research and applications are incorporated throughout, including computer recognition and synthesis of speech, physiological acoustics, acouwtics imaging and therapeutic applications and acoustical oceanography. He was named distinguished Research Professor in and Professor Emeritus in Upper-division undergraduates through professionals. Springer Handbook of AcousticsThe Handbook of Acoustics is useful as a source book for anyone who needs or wants to become familiar with the jargon and issues related to a specific subfield of acoustics Book ratings by Goodreads. His areas of research have included musical acoustics, psychoacoustics, speech and singing, vibration analysis, magnetic levitation, surface effects in fusion reactors, spin waves in metals and physics education.
Springer Handbook of Robotics Bruno Siciliano. We’re featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book.Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. We can notify you when this item is back in stock. Springer Handbook of Spacetime Abhay Ashtekar.Home Contact Us Help Free delivery worldwide.
The accompanying CD-ROM provides the entire handbook and a large number of audio and video files, making it easy to use effectively in a classroom. Account Options Sign in.
This handbook is probably well suited for an undergraduate-level introduction to an acoustics acousitcs. Delivers a wealth of up-to-date references. Springer Handbook of Automation Shimon Y.Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Dunn Thomas Rossing received a B. He is the author of more than publications including 17 books, 9 U. The authors of the various chapters are all experts in their Each chapter is richly illustrated with figures and tables.The authors of the various chapters are all experts in their fields.